Artist & Album
The name of the artist/band and album title for this order. If you do not have an album title yet or it is not applicable, that field can be left blank or put "TBA."
Main Contact Info
This should be the info for the primary contact person for this order. Label and artist information can be added separately in later sections.
Record Label or Company Contact
Please leave this blank if this is a self-release, or if the information is the same as above.
Shipping Information
The contact info and address we will use to actually deliver your physical masters, references, etc.
Vinyl Pressing Plant Info
Please list company name, customer service contact name, email, and phone number, your quote number (if any) and street address. If you need help with finding a pressing plant or have questions please let us know, we will be happy to help!
Digital (CD) Pressing Plant Info
Please list company name, customer service contact name, email, and phone number, your quote number (if any) and street address. If you need help with finding a pressing plant or have questions please let us know, we will be happy to help!