Golden Mastering

Digital Services

Send-in (non attended) mastering session

A send-in session includes a complete rundown of your project which includes listening to the entire project multiple times, EQ, Dynamics Processing, Level Optimization and minor clean up editing and fades. Please fill out the on line form and click "Get Estimate" below to get a quick quote emailed to you. The quote does not include any potential shipping cost. Some projects may require additional studio time billed at 150.00 per hour. Attended mastering sessions are billed at the studio time rate of 150.00 per hour. Please read our media preparation guidelines for help in preparing your mixes to send to us.

435.00 USD
up to 15 minutes

4 to 8 songs

640.00 USD
16 to 30 minutes

Up to 12 songs

850.00 USD
31 to 46 minutes

Up to 14 songs

950.00 USD
47 to 62 minutes

Up to 14 songs (over 14 contact us for pro-rate)

None USD
Instrumental Versions

If you yould like instrumentals mastered, they are billed at half the cost of standard song/album mastering. Example: single = $105.00. An Instrumental version of that single is $52.50. Example 2: 12songs/40 minutes = $820.00. Instrumentals for these songs is $410.00. Let us know if you have instrumentals and we will add them to your invoive/order. Please contact us with any further questions or requests.

NOTE: Instrumentals mixes should be identical to the standard mix with the exeption of the vocal(s) being muted. If an instrumental mix is completely different that the standard mix, then there may be additional cost to compensate for the additional mastering time.


1065.00 USD
63 to 84 minutes

Up to 14 songs (over 14 contact us for pro-rate)

Single or Radio Promo Unattended Session

Same as the above unattended mastering session, but priced per song. Three songs maximum.

105.00 USD per song
Single or Radio Promo Tracks

1 to 3 songs maximum. includes ftp upload.

Listening for approval and digital distributor submission

25.00 USD
16bit/44.1 wav files Reference Master

These are mastered wav files delivered to you for listening and approval of the mastering. They can also be used wherever 16bit/44.1 audio is accepted/requested.

25.00 USD
CD-R Reference Master

Physical disc requires shipping

Digital Production Masters

The following masters are used for manufacturing Compact Discs, (DDP & PMCD). The Apple HD WAV Files are used for Apple Digital Music and also can be used wherever hi-rez audio files are needed. Apple HD wav files are 24bit/ 44.1 up to 96k.

75.00 USD
Apple Digital Masters / HD 24bit 44.1 up to 96k

Use for submission to iTunes under their MFIT specification.

55.00 USD

Physical disc requires shipping

55.00 USD
DDP 2.0

A DDP is used specifically for manufacturing Physical Compact Discs. This is provided as a zipped folder via upload to you. You can then forward or upload it to yout cd manufactuer. i.e. discmakers or Oasis etc.